we provide you information about food and fine location for your holiday

You’ll get the best out of your time in Singapore if you plan your holiday carefully even if it’s just a short holiday. A simple holiday’s plan will mean no unwanted surprises for you. You may check out our tips below. Be ready for your holiday!  How to choose the right timing for holiday in Singapore? Understand what you want when you plan your holiday will be a key driver to choose your best travel date. So, to make sure you know them you

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Sate Ayam is chicken fillet that has been flavored and burned over the coals. It is soft and tasty cuisine make this demand of many people. Moreover, served with peanut sauce which has sweet taste and a spicy. Make this the more delicious cuisine. Instructions                 1. Provide the material:         • 250 gr chicken fillet, cut

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Welcome to Rantepao! On of the City in Tana Toraja. Generally, if you are coming from Makassar and Pare-Pare, you will arrive in Rantepao Market as well as the final stopping place for buses serving routes across the city of Makassar - Toraja. Rantepao Market is located right in the middle of town, so you do not need to bother anymore to take a small ride public transportation that will take you to the city center, like other big cities. Your first

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Chuuk Lagoon Lost Fleet Chuuk, Micronesia On February 17, 1944, American Task Force 58 engaged in Operation Hailstone, dropping over 500 tons of bombs on the Japanese navy. Today, Chuuk Lagoon (also called Truk Lagoon) holds the wrecks of 60 Japanese ships, the largest concentration of sunken ships in the world. The 433-foot Fujikawa Maru is the most famous, an aircraft carrier that sits upright in 30 to 112 feet of water, a gaping torpedo hole in

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10 places to see before you die By Patricia Schultz & The Staff, December 2003/January 2004 issue  |  Subscribe to the magazine What you'll find in this story: dream destinations, top vacation spots, amazing places, trips around the world, exotic travel, India travel Excerpted from 1,000 Places to See Before You Die, Copyright © 2003 by Patricia Schultz. Used by permission of Workman Publishing Co., Inc., New York. All Rights Reserved. Tossing

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We have compiled a great deal of packing tips after years of travelling and together with some members suggestions, we thought we should share them with other travellers setting out. 1. Security and Keeping Details Safe Scan your passport, passport photos and paper tickets (if not the e type) in. Store this (in an email for e.g.) in your web based email account. You can also store the details of your emergency 'lost card' telephone numbers in your

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This Thai Grilled Salmon features a wonderful blend of the 'four big Thai tastes': spicy, salty, sweet and sour. Made with fresh herbs and spices, this salmon simply sings with flavor while never overwelmoing the naturally delicious flavor of the fish. The marinade is a variation of traditional Thai 'magic paste' - a special blend of fresh herbs and spices that will simply 'wow' your tastebuds. It works beautifully with salmon as well as

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Over the past few years, I've written about various milk alternatives - almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk. Today I thought it was time to give regular milk a fair shake and talk about some of its benefits. Milk is a good source of Vitamin D which millions of people are surprisingly deficient in. Even in warm weather, many people stay indoors or use sunscreen to protect their skin from the sun. Many doctors believe that maintaining sufficient levels

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Introduction Geographic and cultural diversity, together with a long history of visiting foreign merchants and colonists, have produced Indonesia's unique cuisine, which is still largely unknown to the outside world with the possible exception of the Netherlands.The Chinese introduced nasi goreng (fried rice with vegetables), mie (noodles) stir-frying and the wajang (wok), the Indians their

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